Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I tell what model Forza canister filter do I have?
- What is the recommended order of media for trays of the Forza canister filter with 3 trays?
- What is the recommended order of media for trays of the Forza canister filter with 4 trays?
- What is the benefit of using a Forza canister filter?
- Why are air bubbles coming out of my Forza canister filter?
- How do I set up the Forza canister filter?
- How do I replace the Forza canister filter UV bulb?
- Pisces Pump is running loud / blowing bubbles / surging flow
- The flow of my Pisces seems too strong for the fish that I have. Is there a way to slow the flow?
- Why is the Pisces filter making noise or pumping air thorough the outlet nozzle?
- How do I clean the Bio Ring chamber of the Pisces filter box?